Australian Trusted Trader

The Australian Trusted Trader (“ATT”) programme is administered by the Australian Border Force (ABF) and is a trade facilitation programme that allows businesses with a secure supply chain and compliant trade practices to receive a number of trade facilitation benefits. It applies to both importers and exporters. The ATT is an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programme and there are some 70 existing AEO programmes worldwide. AEOs work to secure the international supply chain, while facilitating the movement of legitimate trade. It is intended that the ABF sign Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA) to enable reciprocal recognition of overseas AEOs for both importers and exporters.

The Benefits

Exporters: Exporting ATTs will receive:
- MRA of ATT status by overseas AEO administrations;
- Export declaration simplified processing (Monthly);
- Enhanced supply chain security & smooth passage into the destination country;
- Increased export sales opportunities through a combination of MRAs and access to foreign markets with less border scrutiny.

Importers: Importing ATTs will receive:
- MRA for overseas registered AEOs by ABF;
- Expedited import declaration processing and release of shipments;
- Optional import declaration and customs duty deferral;
- Priority ABF processing, particularly during a period of elevated threat conditions.


Our specialist consultants, can offer support to our clients in applying for Australian Trusted Trader program; to find out more, please contact us at or 03 9112 5801.